File list

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description
10:57, 11 April 2022 Log-score-example.png (file) 42 KB Nikos  
11:16, 11 April 2022 Score-locality.png (file) 71 KB Nikos  
16:15, 24 April 2022 Bayes' equation.png (file) 12 KB Themausch  
19:48, 9 May 2022 Metaculus Calibration Plot.png (file) 43 KB AABoyles  
10:05, 22 May 2022 Image.png (file) 184 KB Nikos  
19:10, 11 July 2022 Combination of the CDF of different forecasts.png (file) 210 KB Nikos  
23:00, 5 November 2022 Screenshot 2022-10-29 at 7.38.27 AM.png (file) 99 KB BTE  
23:04, 5 November 2022 BTE 2021-2022 Metaculus Brier Score.png (file) 113 KB BTE