Get involved

From Forecasting Wiki
Revision as of 21:21, 5 May 2022 by Plex (talk | contribs)

This page gives an overview of how to get involved with the forecasting wiki. We're glad to have you here and welcome all contributions!

What is the Forecasting wiki?

The forecasting wiki is a place to collect all information relevant to forecasting. It's target audience is diverse and ranges from people who want to start and learn more about forecasting to researchers looking for in-depth information about forecasting-related topics.

How do I get in touch?

We have several means of communication.

  1. A Discord channel, which you can join through this invite link: discord [dot] gg [slash] z8Wgm3a6WD
  2. A mailing list that you can subscribe to by sending an email to forecastingwiki-subscribe {[at@]} mailman3 [dot] com. Note: check your spam folder for all mails from this list.
  3. There is a Gather town space where people hang out from time to time to do some work. You can join it here (remove ★): https://★
  4. If you have any questions or want to get in touch you can message Nikos directly by sending an email at (remove) nikosbosse[{at@}]gmail{[doot]}com

How do I become a contributor?

Very easy! First, click on 'Create account' in the top right corner of the page. And enter your information. Then simply add your username on top of the list of contributors below. You are now a contributor!

To enter your name there, simply click on 'edit source' next to the section heading. Then type in [[User:yourusername]] right below 'add your (user)name here' and click save. This will create a link to your user page. By clicking on that link for the first time, you can create your user page and add as much information about you as you like.

What can I do?

Have a look at our To do page or help by creating new articles.

Writing new articles

Creating an article

To create a new article, type the name of the page you want to create into the box below and click 'Create page'. When writing an article, please make sure it belongs to a category. If you think a new category should be created, please do.

<inputbox> type=create break=no </inputbox>

Review process

Once you're article is created you can edit it as you like. In the beginning, your article is in 'work in progress' mode, symbolized by the banner on top of the article. Once you're happy with your article, you should submit it to review. You can either post it in our Discord channel or contact some of the reviewers listed below directly for feedback.

Reviewers will change the banner from 'work in progress' to 'under review. They will read your article and get back to you with feedback. Once the review process is finished, the banner 'under review' will be removed and your article is now officially part of the Forecasting Wiki!

You can also have a look at the Reviewer Guidelines to see what Reviewers will look after before submitting your article for review.


  • add your (user)name here
  • Themausch
  • RyanBeck
  • JTPeterson
  • Nikos - Wiki administration, writing articles, reviewing articles, answering questions
  • Plex - Advising on MediaWiki software setup and volunteer coordination.
  • AABoyles
